
KidsConnect is Living Water's Children's ministry program for 3 year old - 5th Grade. It's a time for your kids to connect in faith with God and with others in a safe and fun environment!  We connect through Bible stories, crafts, games and songs. 

We offer an opportunity each week either on Sunday mornings at 11:00 (following our worship service), or 7:00 (following Wednesday night worship). 

Cost: $30

Discount: If you volunteer to help lead a small group 2x a month (or more) 

Use discount code VOL2020.

Stay Connected

Ways to connect beyond KidsConnect!

  • Worship Online!

    During the school year, every Sunday at 10AM and Wednesday at 6PM you can join us for worship in-person or on Facebook Live. There is a message from God's Word focused through Sermon Series, communion and a Children's Message every week! 

  • Church Newsletter

    Click Here to subscribe and stay updated on what's happening at the church. 

    Our digital newsletter is emailed twice a month!

  • Download the Parent Cue APP!

    Our lives are busy. As parents, we want to prioritize our children. We want to do everything we can to invest in them relationally, to guide them developmentally and to help them grow in their faith in Christ. But it’s just so easy to get caught up in the urgent day-to-day business of life.

    Every parent has 936 weeks of influence from the time their child is born until they graduate. Parent Cue helps you count the weeks and connects you with practical things to read, do or say to help you engage with the heart of your child this week. Designed for parents of babies through high schoolers, these prompts will come in the form of videos and things to talk about in the morning, at meal time or while you are cuddling with your toddler or driving in the car. Each week there’s even a Phase Cue to help you understand the developmental phase your child is in today.

    936 weeks. You don’t want to miss a single one.

    CLICK HERE for more information and to download!